Wednesday, December 31, 2008
New Year...
i reach there around 11 o'clock....and it full,my friends arrive early then they get a pc for their own...but there only one more pc around my friend...i get it for my girlfriend,so that she won't need to standing and wait...and i wait till around 30 minutes before countdown started...a few person they go and pay...head to club house,and join their friend for countdown event,so that how i get pc for my own and just right behind my friends,but the problem is,they come back right after the countdown finish,but what the meaning of this ?go there'',wuhu~Happy New Year~'' and then head back to the place before...can you get the picture? xD
and before this...something happened...not that good for this kind of big day...but nevermind...i will post it when one day i learned to ''let it be'' sorry i not sharing this for now...but be patient,one day,there will be one day i'll share this to you...haha =P
today was a day that totally tire...after non stop of gaming since few month ago...until today...finish work and rush to cyber i have made a promise to them day before this...i never though that it will be tire like this...but nevermind...because i have get use to the day that not enough sleep...normally i sleep for 5~6 hours a day...sometime 4~5 if i get back home too ''early'' =P...eventhought i'm tire...but still i have to made up to my i end up back home in a half dead condition...i'm not blame anyone or anything...just i miscalculate,haha...
but i think i will have a better way to countdown my new year or maybe others event/day...
Best Wishes For You All On The Incoming Year~
bye then,have a nice day =P
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Hello Christmas...
but it doesn't matter how they treat me...but those life maybe is not my kind,if you asked me to stay overnight for gaming,there a chance i say yes(i think its over 70% is yes if tomorrow have nothing to do),if you asked me out to clubbing(i think its less than 30% I'll say yes) that me...
but maybe few year later my Christmas wi ll me lot more interesting,i think atleast more then just gaming and countdown infront of the monitor =P,if your reading this post...try ask me out on next year,making new friends =)
but still...wish you a merry present,pure
bye then,have a nice day =P
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
i'm not complaining,life should be like this...i'm just a newbie intraining,not to proud,not to act mature...just someone who lose without guidance in a while...some comment theory is always on my mind...but ''thinking'' ''planing'' and ''act'' is different in realistic ,i'm lazy guy...challenge,we should have solve the problem,improve ourselves...i know that,but went its really happen...its different story,if the same problem showed...its not a challenge anymore...if failure,missed another chances...the more we solve,the problems will not be the same anymore...its become part of your life...i know that,but i did trying to escape sometimes...when will i overcome this weakness,''lazy''?...i think my life will change when one day i overcome this...
anyone who good in time managing ?i hope that i need no machine to help me on that...anyone?
leave your comment,i be glad to be your friend...
bye then,have a nice day =P
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Rod + Fishing line...
Alfred C. Glassell Jr, petroleum industry pioneer,philanthropist, world-class fisherman and member of the IGFA Board of Trustees, died October 29, 2008 after an extended illness. He was 95.
August 4, 1953 Alfred Glassell’s landed 1,560 pound black marlin is the IGFA All-Tackle record for the species, and it remains the ultimate measure of the sport for every serious marlin fisherman
can you imagine that a man stand with his barefoot and landed a huge fish almost eight times weight of himself ?with just a single fishing rod,i should remain you that a living fish the black marlin,the fish that everyone know its swim the most fast in the sea,when the fish rush it won't be simply 1560 pound that simple...
there i a have a dream,go around the world...have a fishing trip,i don't know rather its can come true or not...but its in my mind right now,i'm working hard for that...if you a fisherman that reading this blog,mind to share some of your experience or picture ? =P i be glad to see that...
bye then,have a nice day =P
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Under Construction...
there something on my mind,like wanted to do something...i think i mean bout my own career...maybe something big,special or we call that achievement...i need no any extra cabinet for my trophies or any award,there no achievement or not much special for me to think of,empty on the past...but when i realize i trapped inside my working life already...a full time working life...i thought to change my life,i thought to colored up every pieces of my own ''life puzzle''...even just thinking of changes already need lot of not speak of plan...i could have faint when i thinking of my installment without income...but actually its not that hard as i say,haha...=P i think i could have made it if i get a good time management...but still,have to wait for next year before i could have followed what i have plan...Zzz,suffering by the time...wish i could find something,anything to do so that i won't wasted the time i waiting for next year...
which that someone drop by and give me some suggestion...can you?
feel free to drop me any comment...^^
bye then,have a nice day =P
Scorpions - Under The Same Sun
It was shattered by a gun
Heard a scream, saw him fall, no one cried
I saw a mother
She was praying for her son
Bring him back, let him live, don't let him die
Do you ever ask yourself
Is there a Heaven in the sky
Why can't we get it right
'cause we all live under the same sun
We all walk under the same moon
Then why, why can't we live as one
I saw the evening
Fading shadows one by one
We watch the lamb, lay down to the sacrifice
I saw the children
The children of the sun
How they wept, how they bled, how they died
Do you ever ask yourself
Is there a Heaven in the sky
Why can't we stop the fight
'cause we all live under the same sun
We all walk under the same moon
Then why, why can't we live as one
Sometimes I think I'm going mad
We're loosing all we had and no one seems to care
But in my heart it doesn't change
We've got to rearrange and bring our world some love
And does it really matter
If there's a heaven up above
We sure could use some love
We all walk under the same moon
Then why, why can't we live as one
'cause we all live under the same sky
We all look up at the same stars
Then why, tell me why can't we live as one.
bye then,have a nice day =P
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Day Off Part 3
after the breakfast(i think so,because its already afternoon)my 2nd sister is rushing to work,so she sent me to the LRT station before she going to work...after thousand times of remaining,my sister have success inserting the map into my brain...from cempaka to hang tuah...and i walked to the first destination,lawyat shopping complex...this shopping mall were almost complete with electronic tools,handphone,notebook,printer,computer spare part...i start from the top,and started my shopping,haha xP...because i not a wealthy man...but then,the funniest thing is,when i checked my wallet...left less then rm300 in it...oh gosh,luckily my sister show me the way to the ATM in message,if not i'm gonna be windows shopping for the whole day,phew...but i did not buy many things anyway...i have to thanks my psp in the whole journey...its really provide me a better environment to shopping alone...its battery really last much more longer when being a music player than a video gameplay tools...i walked from top to bottom,every floor,every corner...even some place,walked lawyat,i buy a handsfree for my psp,notebook fan for my girlfriends,pendrive,card reader...i think thats all,lol...
and the next destination,sungai wang...since its close,within 500 meters of distance between both shopping complex...its same,i go to the top floor,and start to walked,headed to the bottom...slowly,checked everything...all the shop,find some equipment for my psp,pants...that all i have buy,i'm not a good shopper,but the feel that buy things follow your own opinion is not same,and without time schedule,i walk till whenever i like...its really feel of ''empty''...mean its ain't limitation on time,places and 2nd or 3rd person issue...all by myself...and i have a tiepanyaki launch on sungai wang,(i think most of the people will know which place i mean)...i think i done my shopping around 6 or 7 o'clock...and totally above 10 thousand stabs i have walked...and its end of my this shopping leg is almost out of control,at that time...i walked back to the LRT...wait,and have a rest on the train...and again walked back my sister house...its really tire on know why i say its physically ?because i have a second part for today...when i reach sister boyfriend have finished work around that time...i wait at home for while and he reach,and take me out for a a mamak,a nasi lemak ayam...and i asked him to send me to wangsa maju,where few of my friends live there...
one working at kl who live there,and the others was student...and we when out to meet,drink,chit chat and gaming haha xP...firstly when i reach,the others hasn't the working one,sam come to take back to his apartment...have a chat bout his life there,his housemate,and show me bout his guitarist and him were very close,we called it ''brother''...we share everything...i mean experiences...normally i do the listen,and he do the talk...after a friends have reach home,called us we stoped at there...went out and meet with our friends,have a drink...we go to the nearby mamak...sit down chit chat,and they taking their dinner,the place was full with teenagers,most of them is student(i think so)...around 30~45 minutes,we finish eat,chat....and we head to the nearest cybercafe,V2...this is the place where they always gaming...this place kind of nice,its have two mouse per pc,professional isn't it ?xP...
one is normal mouse,and one more is gaming mouse smooth and faster,and have the back,forward button on it,and every pc have a pair of altec lansing speaker with a far i have going to many cybercafe(maybe not all)...haven't see one that using this kind of quality features...really enjoyed the time that gaming under such features...but times pass fast,because normally one game cost around one hour...after few game,its already time to back home...and i stay overnight at sam's place...when reach his home...we started our topic again...we could have non stop chatting until both of us fall asleep...and that i called a day...
bye then,have a nice day =P
Monday, November 17, 2008
Day Off Part 2
Then my sister bring us to a restaurant name Long De Chuan Ren(龙的传人) at there we ordered a shanghai famous food,named siu long pao(小笼包)and others one...but did not take any can't show you all...and then we walk around the shopping mall trying to get a new formal wears for my dad on my 2nd sister wedding party(my dad can't wait for it)...this was not my day...i just went out with my family,and have a walk...accompany my parent looking for their new shirt and giving some opinion...
when we finish shopping the time around 5 o'clock if no wrong...we heading back home and have a bath,and prepare for our main mission that we coming kl,?Family Photo Shooting...we did not eat any dinner and meet up with my 2nd sister,she already snapping for whole day did not eat any...when we reach there i saw my 2nd sister and her future husband on a wedding dress and makeup totally different from before...and we all prepare and change our wears,all changed into a formal looks after change...wait my 2nd sister finish before us,and start to snap our Family Photo...we never capture picture like this before...haha...maybe you could try sometimes,its fun...i will upload the photo and share those picture when i get it...
when we finish,we head back...and rush for our dinner...before my 2nd sister fainted(she just drink for whole day,to prevent void her makeup haha...)we have a Bak Kut Teh(肉骨茶)for dinner and i have a extra satisfy my great parent,big sister and my elder brother went back ipoh after this,so in no delay...we went back and only me left at kl with my 2nd sister and her future husband...that all for this day...
bye then,have a nice day =P
(to be continue...)
Friday, November 7, 2008
Day Off Part 1
3/11/2008(Monday)this day 1 was rushing to catch up with the 6.30 p.m.bus to kl...this day i work alone,cause i going to have a one week i have to let my partner off day before boss promise to let me back before 5.30 p.m. but he lated...forced me to drive back home madly...but when i made it back to my home already 6 o'clock...lucky i have already finish packed my i just need to call the taxi and go bath...when finish bath,perfect...the taxi reach,my calculate was right!haha...but the most wrong thing i have done was...i lefted my 4gb memory card at my office!that mean no game on my psp this trip!with only 1gb memory card that filled with songs...but nvm...there is no necessary to play my psp game while i was traveling isn't it?but psp working even better with songs inside...because i could listen to music while i taking my nap inside the bus,i never expected my psp could use like this,haha...
i eventually awake,i feeling the bus swing swing abit and bounce bounce like the roller coaster...and looking outside the windows...feel like a dream...because i never plan to have this trip...but then i was raiding on the bus going to kl...but sit on the bus for 2 and a half hour i think,when i reach kl by the time around 10.20 p.m. and my 2nd sister's boyfriend already waiting for me at the bus station for quite a time...and he pick me up and we heading to place named''老媽子''steamboat restaurant,taked us almost hour to get to the restaurant,as soon as we reach the parent,two sisters my brother and my elder sister's boyfriend already there waiting for us to having our steamboat supper...but i forget to take picture,so don't have anything to upload for this steamboat restaurant, soon as we finished,head back to my sister home...we gonna stay over at my sister home,located at cempaka...we back home with two cars,my parent back first and i followed my elder sister car...she going back to her working place to meet a little boy patient who gonna leave their hospital and head back to their i accompany her to meet the patient...and back to their home,and have a good rest after that...what a rushing day...
bye then,have a nice day =P
(to be continue...)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Story of Bob
there the story today,a Love Story...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
New Arrival!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Scorpions - Wind of Change

I folow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change
An August summer night
Soldiers passing by
Listening to the wind of change
The world is closing in
Did you ever think
That we could be so close, like brothers
The future's in the air
I can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
in the wind of change
Walking down the street
Distant memories
Are buried in the past forever
I folow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
in the wind of change
The wind of change
Blows straight into the face of time
Like a stormwind that will ring the freedom bell
For peace of mind
Let your balalaika sing
What my guitar wants to say
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
in the wind of change
bye then,have a nice day =P
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Still when you finish read the paragraph will now having trouble,how could a person like this dare to build their own blog or maybe you will see an inactive blogger,that only post something every few month or something...but reading if now lol =P
I have no idea where this picture come from i receive this picture from a friend of mine in a mail,but thought its kind bit meaning to me...its describe the emotions of the human,just one step aside...bye then,have a nice day =P
Monday, October 13, 2008
Simple StartUp
After finish reading my friend's blog...thought to start up a blog for my own,maybe my life could be bored...but i think there maybe some thing i could post to be share,and maybe there some side effect like improve my english or something lol...and there you go,the 1st posting...the blog is still under construct...bye then,have a nice day =P