Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Just Put It Down...

hello everyone...i brought you all a good/bad news...i'm gonna leave my company!cheers~actually i don't know its really is this true or not...sigh...but hopefully i got the chance to go out and learn more things...but i not really got plan for the days that is ? working ? what about both at the same time ? but the last one should need a lot of effort...but the main point is get away from this company...i doesn't really know the stress,demand for my own satisfaction is getting heavier then i thought...the things that i gain from my work,has become burden when i decided to change/stop work...flash back my old memory,when i decided to work,i just trying to escape from college/study...i don't like being control because i need something from my family,actually its not that serious matter...i be more likely to spent my own i open up the newspaper,look for job,any kind just long as i have the qualification ...i didn't ask my family for permission that i gonna drop my course and start work...and fate decided me to work under this company,i 1st interview and didn't get any respond for almost a week,after that i receive call from the company and ask me to start work...and when i was new boy...1st stepped into this company,i know nothing bout my job...and the work getting handy each day,and become part of my far i have come these day...what i have earn is just more then money,we can't count everything in unit...something is more then word could say...any how i wish we end this peacefully...and there goes my 2 and a half years...
bye then,have a nice day =P

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day...

once again...i have to work on these kind of day...what is your plan ?have you celebrate with your beloved mum?have a dinner maybe...but luckily that my sister have come back this we have mother's day dinner on saturday...actually its just an ordinary dinner as usual...the different is,the different is we call its mother's day dinner,and find a reason for the family members spent time to enjoy a family talk...that all =P
but still its a busy day for me...working again...boring isn't it ? that you saw this word "working" on my paragraph again...but still i have mention it again haha...and one of my gaming partner went to KL and step into the realistic society,started to left me,the gaming maniac in ipoh more gaming everyday...i doesn't really know that is a good news to me or not...but i'm sure that i have to get use to this life as soon as posible...and find another way to release my stress...=P but i think the way is just find another gaming partner i think =P,i hope that person show up as soon as posible..."long live gaming!" hehe...
its ok actually,i think he just gave me another reason to stay late when he come back to ipoh =P
good luck and all the best brother "moonlight"...
and happy mother's day!
bye then,have a nice day =P

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Day After Labour Day...

Today is my off i spare some times to come back and clean my blog,since the last time i update mu blog its already quite a while ago...come back and clean mess and check is there any spider web somewhere in my long didn't come back sorry all xD

In this while...many thing pass,but nothing special,everyday the same...i can't find anything that i can post there goes this few weeks...actually the main thing is,there some problem while work...a bit stress i feel...but thing i think i can solve just post this to tell everyone here,i'm so fine =P

but in this few week...i realize that few of friend is blogging there will be more blog that i can read so happy bout i think in this coming few week my post will be less...since that i having some problem to surf net in my office sorry everyone...
i think here for today...
bye then,have a nice day =P